Welcome To My Storybook Lady's Blog!

My StoryBook Lady is dedicated to helping you and your family discover, preserve and celebrate your family stories and heritage. Here you will find helpful posts about digital scrapbooking and digital storybooking that will save you time and money.

Join Us for a Digi Crop In Person or Online!

We will resume Digi Crops in the 2014. Have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season! Enjoy making memories with family and friends!
Club HM Digi Crop TBA.

My StoryBook Lady is available by appointment for
workshops, digi crops and scanning services.
Contact me at Betty@MyStoryBookLady.com or 404-729-0388 to set up your appointment.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Scan Appointments Available

Are your pictures sitting in a box or drawer?
Do you feel overwhelmed because you don't have a scanner or don't want to send your pictures off for someone else to scan?
Are your pictures fading as each day passes by?
Your Personal Publishing Consultant can scan all of your precious photos in a matter of minutes! Kodak is so impressed with Heritage Makers that they asked to partner with us to help each one of you capture and preserve your family's heritage with their state of the art scanner!
This scanner scans 30 pictures per minute!!!
Think of how many memories your can scan and then preserve them in your very own storybook!
Think of all of the TIME you will save if I get this done FOR YOU!
**Scan Appointments available on Tuesday July 15th and Monday July 28th**
Simply get your pictures out from under the bed, out of the closet, out of shoeboxes and either bring them to my house or I will come pick them up!

Heritage Makers prices:
* 1 - 99 = $.39 per scan
*100 - 499 = $.29 per scan
* 500 & up = ONLY $.19 per scan!
This INCLUDES your pictures scanned in, put onto a thumb drive or disc & it also includes my time! WOW!

**Tell your friends and family...for each of them that you refer to me who scans at least 100 pictures, you will receive 25 FREE scans!**

Contact me ASAP to set up a time for me to come get your pictures! If you live out of state, you may also mail me your pictures.

Pictures are the first step to preserving all of our precious memories, but what you do with those pictures will determine whether or not your stories are being passed on for generations to come.

I look forward to helping you with your scanning needs,


Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!
O Magazine, Dec 2008, page 94

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!
Here's the full spread...

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!
It's an honor to be listed on the same page as her favorite books...