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My StoryBook Lady is dedicated to helping you and your family discover, preserve and celebrate your family stories and heritage. Here you will find helpful posts about digital scrapbooking and digital storybooking that will save you time and money.

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We will resume Digi Crops in the 2014. Have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season! Enjoy making memories with family and friends!
Club HM Digi Crop TBA.

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workshops, digi crops and scanning services.
Contact me at Betty@MyStoryBookLady.com or 404-729-0388 to set up your appointment.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

~Remembering ^Baby Brian^ Today~

Today is Baby Brian's birthday. He would be 6 years old. I can only imagine what he would be like today, the toys he would play with and the friends he would have (other 6 year olds that live on our street that are living reminders of Brian)

If you have lost a baby, or know someone that has, I am here to say that, at first, the pain in your heart is unbearable. As a survivor of the pain, I can tell you that time does heal. The pain never truly goes away, but you do find a "place" for it within yourself. Hope, peace and healing do exist...you just have to make it through the journey to get there. And you will.

Several resources that have helped me find hope and healing:
Atlanta Perinatal Loss http://atlantapnl.com
SHARE Atlanta http://shareatlanta.org "The love stays...forever in our hearts"
Project: Storybooks For Healing http://mystorybooklady.com "Binding Hearts Together"
My family's TV interview about Atlanta's Walk To Remember: http://tinyurl.com/5t74gg

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need help. The worst thing anyone can do is go through the grief process alone especially when everyone around you has never experienced the loss of a baby. ~ Betty


Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!
O Magazine, Dec 2008, page 94

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!
Here's the full spread...

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!
It's an honor to be listed on the same page as her favorite books...