From our house to yours...we wish you a very Happy and Safe New Year! May you have much health, happiness, and prosperity in 2009!
Betty, Brian & Joey
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!!!
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sharing My Christmas Gifts With You...
Wow! What a wonderful Christmas! My son is 4 years old and it was so magical to see Christmas through his eyes. He truly believes.
Now that my family has seen their Christmas presents I can finally post the calendar that I made for them! They all truly LOVED their calendars! And the great thing is that all 6 calendars were slightly different. It will be something they will all hold onto even after the year is over...
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
My Holiday Challenge to You: Tell Your Story
Your Story Is Only A Conversation Away...
Are you spending the holidays with family and friends? Did you know your heritage is only a conversation away from being preserved. Publishing in a hardbound storybook, preserves your family's heritage forever! Don't know where to begin? I can help.
Bring a notebook or tape recorder, a favorite pen, and one of the questionnaires (Story Maps) below to your holiday gatherings and let the storytelling begin. What better way to spend those after-feasting lazy hours than sharing important memories? Be prepared for your heart to be touched as the power of your family's story unfolds. Take time this holiday to remember the things that matter and love.
I look forward to helping you publish your stories. Happy storytelling and heritage recording! Call me with any questions.
What's Your Story?
Life Story
Love Story
Baby Story
Parent Story
Call me for multiple order pricing. There are HUGE discounts!!!
Take advantage of the opportunity to check one more thing off your list and purchase now. Remember you are only pre-purchasing the credits to publish. Spend the holidays recording your heritage and spend January publishing it!
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!
Betty Miller
Monday, December 15, 2008
Gift Account Specials & last minute holiday deals!
Stuff all the stockings with Heritage Makers Gift Accounts!
This holiday season, give the one gift that won’t be returned…a Heritage Makers Gift Account. Now you can offer a Gift Account to everyone on your holiday shopping list.
Gift Accounts are available now until December 25, 2008! Get yours today!
All Gift Accounts include a month of non-renewing Premier.
Copy & paste here for the flyer:
Let me know how I can help,
Betty Miller - Personal Publishing Consultant
Heritage Makers
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Winter Holiday Specials--Hurry!!!
During the winter there are some exciting new specials to offer!
Great December Specials – Get your canvas posters now…and at a great price! We’ve got an incredible special going on right now! From now until December 15, you can save BIG on canvas posters, cards, and calendars. Plus, we’ve got 5 all-new canvas templates you’ve just got to check out. Your Christmas list (and checking off that list) just got a whole lot easier! Check out the flyer today.
Heritage Makers Gift Account – Just in time for the holidays! Now you can offer a gift account to everyone on your holiday shopping list.
Copy and paste this link for the flyer:
Let me know how I can help you with unique and fun gifts for your friends and family ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Friends and Family,
Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours. We wish you a happy, healthy and safe holiday weekend!
Betty, Brian and Joey
Posted by Betty Miller at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thanksgiving Sale: playing card decks
Thanksgiving Sale: playing card decks
The holidays are a time when we come together: as families, and friends and as communities. This season, HM is making it easy for you to create gifts that gather your loved ones together and encourage interaction & sharing.
Sale starts November 24th til November 30th
This year, after the holiday feast, instead of crashing in front of the TV, gather the family around the table for game night. HM Template Gallery has 27 card game templates to choose from. Or create your own!
Just in time for the holidays, HM is offering fantastic deals on decks of cards. Ask me about the Turkey Trot Special or the Gobble Grab Special :o)
Sale flyer:
Thanksgiving Playing Card Preview:
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: playing cards, Sale, Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Greetings To Your Child From Santa!
Let me help you send a personalized greeting from Santa to the children in your, grandkids, nieces, nephews...View the preview to see what the card will look like. It will arrive in an envelope addressed to your child with a return address from Santa and the postmark will be from Utah. E-mail me at to let me know you are interested and I'ill send you more info. Thanks for checking it out!
Posted by Betty Miller at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
"Giving Thanks" Digi Crop & Workshop
Friday November 14th, 2008
6pm- ? (crop til you drop!)
Betty's for directions
Woodstock, GA
All year you have supported me and my business, now it's time for me to open up my doors & Give Thanks to you! Please join me for a special Heritage Makers workshop!
Space is limited!
RSVP to Betty Miller at 404.729.0388 or
Come learn about creating unique beautiful Holiday Cards and gifts, as well as all your other photo projects! Bring a lap top if you have one, and I'll help you get started. Or...just come to listen and learn. There will be goodies to keep you going and entertainment. Prizes for everyone that attends as well as more prizes when you bring a friend!
Posted by Betty Miller at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Digi Crop
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Everyone have a safe and Happy Halloween! Take lots of pictures of all the cute costumes!
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
NY Times Article
Some Purchases May Still Be Worth The Price
This is a great article talking about re-evaluating the types of purchases that people make in a bad economy. The message here is that people are purchasing items that help to connect with loved ones.
“Products that tie families together, that bridge relationships, that strengthen homes, that creates or preserves memories -- that's ours (Heritage Makers)”.
Copy & paste this link to your browser to read the article:
Monday, October 20, 2008
Betty Miller and Walk To Remember
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. My family was interviewed by our local news to talk about ways that bereaved family's can remember their baby(ies)they have lost. Here is the does have a "Mascara Alert"!
Posted by Betty Miller at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: perinatal loss, walk to remember
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My Family On The News This Sunday!
Set your DVRs...Betty, Brian & Joey were the Northside Hospital family interviewed for this show :o) For those of you that are not local we will get a copy to post on this Blog...
Please pass this on to anyone who may be interested!
October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month!
Watch WSB-TV’s People 2 People on Sunday, Oct. 19, 6:30 a.m., for a story about perinatal loss and promoting Northside’s Atlanta Walk to Remember on Sunday. Dr. Eliza Bruscato and a Northside family are interviewed.
For more information or to register for the Walk to Remember, go to or call (770) 442-8995.
Posted by Betty Miller at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Template Got Accepted!
Have you checked out my new website? It is sooo awesome! The Template Gallery is just to die for and now I can say I have a Template that got accepted! See it here:
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
FREE Studio Online Classes
Are you a new consultant? Did you just buy a package at a Workshop? You are invited to a FREE online class to learn the ins and outs of Studio.
Intro. to Studio online classes: Mondays at 5:00 p.m. MDT
Intermediate Studio online classes: Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. MDT
If you’ve missed one of our free online classes, you can watch recorded ones. Go to the Online Classes in the Story Center found in your My Studio and check out some of the classes that are available.
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Heritage Makers Reunion - Anaheim, CA
Just got back from my 1st HM Reunion in Anaheim, CA. WOW, what an amazing experience! I had sooo much fun and HM went all out! There were about 400 other fellow Heritage Makers from the US and Canada. We had tons of training and networking, fun, games, a Royal Ball and an evening at Disneyland! We were entertained by an AWESOME band called Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand. I had so much fun that I lost my voice! Everyone kept asking if I was having a good time and all I could was nod my head. So I made a sign that said "I lost my voice" :o( LOL!
There are LOTS of exciting news and announcements so stay tuned. I'll post some photos soon. And be sure to ask me Why Oprah Called...
Posted by Betty Miller at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers Reunion
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Heritage Makers Reunion this weekend!
Hope everyone is having a great week! I'm off to Anaheim, CA tomorrow for our annual HM Reunion and I'm sooo excited! The whole weekend is themed storybookland with princesses and fairy tales galore. To top it all off we have a Royal Ball on Friday night and a visit to Disneyland on Saturday night. I'm thrilled that I earned a paid admission to Disneyland thanks to HM :o)
I'll post photos when I get back + fill everyone in on all the new products that are being released. Have a great weekend!
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: CA, HM Reunion--Anaheim
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fall Leaf Festival Drawing Winner!
Wow! The weather has been amazing the past few days. I took my son to Roswell Park (our fave) today and he ran, jumped, climbed and slid for over 2 hours! What amazing boundless energy!!!
I just got back from doing a Heritage Makers booth in Cleveland, GA last Saturday. What fun! The city hosted the 25th Cabbage Patch Kids Anniversary at Babyland General (CPKs is what put Cleveland on the map!) along with the Fall Leaf Festival. There was a parade, food, arts/crafts and even a Mountain Man beard contest! A lot of nice folks stopped by my booth and I had a drawing for a FREE 5x5 storybook credit. And the winner is...Kimberly Broadhead from Spartanburg, SC! Congratulations to Kimberly and I look forward to helping her create her storybook :o)
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fall Leaf Festival
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thoughts & Prayers Go Out To Texas...
My heart and mind is with all of you out in Texas that are facing Hurricane Ike this evening. Sending {{{hugs}}} across the miles...
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Come Digi Crop with us!
Please RSVP Space is LIMITED
When: 2nd Wednesday of every month--9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10
Time: 6PM-Midnight (come and go, as you please)
Where: Computer ArenA
10895 Alpharetta Hwy (across from Andretti)
Roswell, GA 30076
Are you ready to have a night out, where you can have FUN and get something done
(possibly some early Christmas gifts) at the same time?
Come to a Heritage Makers Digi Crop at Computer ArenA!
Simply bring a wi-fi capable laptop & I can help you with any questions that you may have. If you do not have a laptop, do not worry, you can borrow mine or use one of the many computers at CA.
I will also be doing LIVE demonstrations of the website for anyone that is new or needs a refresher!
There is no “selling” involved; this is just me helping you get going on your projects!
*Attend and get a Digi Crop punch card to earn FREE storybooks!*
**Bring a friend and receive bonus punches!**
Come see what all the excitement is all about. We know you will love storybooking your heritage!
~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Digi Crop - Computer ArenA
Friday, September 5, 2008
Pre-Reunion Card Sale!
Only 3 weeks until Reunion! This is our HUGE Heritage Makers national convention and it's being held in Anaheim, CA. Of course the theme is "Storybookland" since Reunion will be held right across the street from Disneyland! And I'm sooo excited because I earned a FREE night at Disney simply by helping people learn how to publish their own stories!!!
Which brings me to tell you about our Pre-Reunion Card Sale! These prices are really great and will save you a ton of $$ on cards for ANY occasion, but especially for holiday greetings. Sale ends September 24th...check it out here:
Call or email me to order your cards,
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pre-Reunion Card Sale
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day!
I hope you and your family are resting and relaxing today! Take the time to love and hug on your loved ones and, of course, do some digi scrapping!
Happy Labor Day!
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
SHARE Atlanta Workshop
Today was a special day! I spent the afternoon with some special moms from SHARE Atlanta, a bereaved parent support group. Each mom there had experienced a pregnancy or newborn loss at some time in their life. A special thanks to Marcia McGinnis for opening up her home to host a workshop to show bereaved moms how to create special keepsakes to remember their babies! The moms had a wonderful opportunity to learn how to make Heritage Makers storybooks, Creative Memories scrapbooks, making baby blankets, booties, bonnets and stuffed bears or bunnies. I think that we learned a great deal from each other. I look forward to working with the moms that I met and helping them preserve their baby's story in a beautiful storybook!
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
My hubby and I just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary this week! Seems just like yesterday that we were walking down the aisle. Our 3 1/2 year old took us out (hehe) for dinner at a great little seafood restaurant in East Cobb called The Catch. I had the salmon and it was so YUMMY...brought back memories of Seattle...
Dessert was on the house! We chose a chocolate cake to die for. Mmmmmm, then we waddled home :o) Check out their website:
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Consignment Sale
Hi Everyone! I'm taking a break from tagging items for a consignment sale. It's a lot of work to get stuff together, but so worth it when I get the check :o) I highly recommend buying at consignment sales if you have young children. You can get gently used items and in MANY cases brand NEW items for really low prices. And if your child is older and has outgrown their clothes or toys these sales are great to make some extra $$. Here's a couple of links to share: (the sale I'm getting ready for) (great resource to find upcoming sales in the ATL area!)
Well, I better get back to tagging...
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Drawing Winner!
Hi Everyone! Whew! This has been a busy last couple of days and that is a GOOD thing :o) I had two events over the weekend where I met some really friendly people. The first event was the Family Reunion Workshop in Alpharetta, GA. Now I'm not planning a family reunion anytime soon, but this was very interesting! I learned a lot of great ideas and even shared a few of my own about storybooks :o) This FREE event is held quarterly and a great idea for those planning a family reunion. See for more info.
The next event was the Fabulous 50's Festival in Cleveland, GA. This was a lot of fun! I think the best part was seeing the look of sheer joy on my son's face while he was doing the bungee jumpy thing :o) Thank goodness the rain held off and we had a nice evening.
Congratulations to Ms. Precious C. of Atlanta, GA! She is the winner of the drawing for a FREE 5x5 storybook credit. I cannot wait to help her get started!
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Fabulous 50's Festival - Cleveland, GA
If you happen to be in the NE GA mountains this weekend be sure to come visit me at the Fab 50's Festival! I'll have a booth on the square in Cleveland, GA near the Java Sun coffee shop :o)
Saturday July 26th
On the Cleveland square
*50's music on stage
*Elvis to perform on stage
*Best Dressed 50's costume contest-$50 prize to male & female
*Kids area w/rock climbing wall, bungee jump, bounce house, whirly bird ride
*WRWH hula hoop contest
*Mt. Yonah Cruisers Car Show
See you there!
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fab 50's Festival
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Digi Crop in Cleveland, GA
Hope this post finds you having a great day! I'm getting ready for a Digi Crop in Cleveland, GA:
Thursday July 24th
Java Sun on the square in Downtown Cleveland
I'll be hanging out, working on projects and helping people get started on their own. Come by for a visit and a free cup of coffee (my treat! :o)
Bring a FRIEND and receive a FREE Storycard!
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Digi Crop - On the Square Cleveland, GA
Monday, July 21, 2008
Letter From Heaven
Today would be my son's 5th birthday. He was born 16 weeks too early and only lived for 2 weeks. I think about him every day. I wonder what he would be like, what would make him laugh, who his friends would be. This post is in memory of Brian Kevin Miller, Jr...
Letter From Heaven ~ author unknown
Mommy, Daddy, how I miss you
and I know you're missing me.
There are windows here in Heaven
and every day I look and see
my toys all in the toy box
and my dolls up on the shelf.
I can't pull them in my wagon now
or hold them to myself.
My little rocker's empty
and your arms feel empty, too.
I can see the sadness in your face.
Mommy, Daddy, I love you.
My music box is silent,
but I don't need to hear it play.
Mommy, Daddy, it's not needed now.
Angels here sing every day.
Please don't worry that I'm lonely
There are children everywhere.
We are all His angels
and there's so much love up here.
Mommy, Daddy, please don't cry.
Heaven's such a lovely place!
God says you did the very best
And your love shows in my face.
Mommy, Daddy, when you need me,
just look up and say a prayer.
I will see you through the windows
and I'll hear your voice up here.
Posted by Betty Miller at 2:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Scan Appointments Available
Are your pictures sitting in a box or drawer?
Do you feel overwhelmed because you don't have a scanner or don't want to send your pictures off for someone else to scan?
Are your pictures fading as each day passes by?
Your Personal Publishing Consultant can scan all of your precious photos in a matter of minutes! Kodak is so impressed with Heritage Makers that they asked to partner with us to help each one of you capture and preserve your family's heritage with their state of the art scanner!
This scanner scans 30 pictures per minute!!!
Think of how many memories your can scan and then preserve them in your very own storybook!
Think of all of the TIME you will save if I get this done FOR YOU!
**Scan Appointments available on Tuesday July 15th and Monday July 28th**
Simply get your pictures out from under the bed, out of the closet, out of shoeboxes and either bring them to my house or I will come pick them up!
Heritage Makers prices:
* 1 - 99 = $.39 per scan
*100 - 499 = $.29 per scan
* 500 & up = ONLY $.19 per scan!
This INCLUDES your pictures scanned in, put onto a thumb drive or disc & it also includes my time! WOW!
**Tell your friends and family...for each of them that you refer to me who scans at least 100 pictures, you will receive 25 FREE scans!**
Contact me ASAP to set up a time for me to come get your pictures! If you live out of state, you may also mail me your pictures.
Pictures are the first step to preserving all of our precious memories, but what you do with those pictures will determine whether or not your stories are being passed on for generations to come.
I look forward to helping you with your scanning needs,
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Digi Crop at The Serene Bean - Woodstock, GA
Greetings! Hope everyone is doing well. Anyone have Christmas gifts on their mind yet? Probably not, but now is the time to be thinking ahead :o) You may want to give your loved ones a personalized storybook, 2009 calendar or a deck of cards. You know these gifts are ones that won't be returned! So set aside some time and come to a Digi Crop in your area (we have them monthly, email me for a list of dates/times) Next one is tomorrow, July 10th:
The Serene Bean
Downtown Woodstock, GA
6pm-9pm (come and go as you please)
Simply bring a wi-fi capable laptop (no worries if you don't have one, you can borrow mine) and I can help you with any questions that you may have. There will also be a LIVE demonstration of the website for anyone that needs a quick refresher course. There is no 'selling' involved; this is just me helping you get going on your projects:o) Join us for a relaxing evening, meet new friends and get INSPIRED!
Happy Heritage Making,
Posted by Betty Miller at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
My hubby found an article about how to take better photos of fireworks:
Just my little public service announcement :o)
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Public Service Announcement
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Thank you!
Dear Clients, Consultants, Family & Friends,
Thank you all for your continued support of me and my Heritage Makers business! With your support, I just celebrated my BEST month ever...$1000+ in sales for the month of June! It means a great deal to me to have reached this goal doing something that I'm passionate about. It would not be possible without all of you. So, thank you.
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
FREE month of Premier w/ANY purchase - EXTENDED!
Thank you HM for extending this awesome deal until 8/31/08...Receive a FREE month of Premier with ANY purchase! That's a 10pack of cards, a storybook credit or a package (BEST deal! Some packages include TWO FREE months) and get a free month of Premier! This is an awesome opportunity because you can try it out to see if you like it (which of course you will! :o) Premier membership gives you access to 30,000+ pieces of premier artwork, papers, embellishments, alphabets, etc. It's like walking into a scrapbook store without ever leaving your house! Copy & paste this link to View Scrap Girls Art:
Call or email me and we'll decide which package is best for you. I'm happy to help!
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:56 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Digi Crop & Storms
Last night I met some girls for a Digi Crop at the biggest Starbucks I've ever been in! This place was HUGE and I'm sure there are probably bigger ones out in Seattle, but for Cumming, GA I thought it was pretty good. It was a great spot; plenty of plugs and a large table for all of us. Then the storms came! Wow, what a lightning show! But what a great way to spend a rainy Friday evening. I made a card for my son's VBS volunteers:
Posted by Betty Miller at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Intro. to Studio 2.0 webinar classes are held on Mondays at 5:00 p.m. M.D.T.
Intermediate Studio 2.0 webinar classes are held Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. M.D.T.
Studio 2.0 master class June 26th 7:00 p.m. MDT instructor: Christina Mika
Studio 2.0 master class July 3rd 1:00 p.m. MDT instructor Nikole Terry
Studio 2.0 master class July 10th 7:00 p.m. MDT instructor Channon Zabel
Studio 2.0 master class July 17th 1:00 p.m. MDT instructor TBD
Studio 2.0 master class July 24th 7:00 p.m. MDT instructor Melisaa Bruere
Studio 2.0 master class July 31st 1:00 p.m. MDT instructor Melinda Clair
You can register for a webinar class by going to homepage and clicking on the Heritage Studio webinars sign in the bottom right-hand corner.
Posted by Betty Miller at 12:34 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Gatlinburg, TN
Happy Monday! My son and I just got back from spending a few days in Gatlinburg, TN with my parents. We had a fun time with Nana and Poppy! Got some great pictures which will make a great storybook :o) We have stayed at the same motel for years; Marshall's Creek Rest which is cheap, clean and within walking distance of everything. We have our favorite restaurants picked out that we eat at every time we visit. Applewood for breakfast, Park Grill for dinner (best kids menu anywhere; $.75 per year of age!), Dixie Stampede show that my son LOVED with horses, racing pigs and even ostriches! We also spent a day at Dollywood riding the rides and even saw a Veggie Tales show since Kids Fest is going on right now. I love Dollywood; very family oriented, clean and the people that work there actually seem to enjoy it!
There is a neat HM story that I must share with you. The last day of our trip we decided to drive up the mountain on Ski Mountain Road to a restaurant called Mojitos in the Mountains. I wasn't too sure about it since we were the only people there. But we went in and the nicest lady (Laura) greeted us and showed us to the cutest dining room. We had the best breakfast and service! When my dad was settling up the bill he noticed there were various business cards up by the cash register. He suggested that I leave some of my HM cards. Laura asked what I do so I told her about HM and showed her one of my books. I always carry my books everywhere! She was SUPER excited and got chill bumps just from seeing my Vacation 2007 book! She asked if she could buy my book right then and there! I said sure, that I could order another copy. She bought my book and took some marketing materials to place by the cash register. Already I could tell that ideas were spinning in her head. She suggested having a Girls' Weekend and Digi Crop in Gatlinburg. Mojitos has free wi-fi so it would be perfect. I'm looking forward to planning this with Laura and hopefully some of you will join us for a weekend of cropping!
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:04 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Business Showcase Call This Sunday
![]() If you are ready to make a difference, not just a living, if you are ready to leave a legacy, not just do a job, and if you want to experience the thrill of being in business for yourself but not by yourself, you've found the perfect answer: Heritage Makers! CLICK HERE to learn more about our GROUND FLOOR Business Opportunity! For more information, attend our next Business Showcase Meeting. Sunday, June 22 - Your computer & phone - 9:00pm |
Betty Miller (404) 729-0388 |
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Saturday Sale!
Saturday, June 14th 10am - 1:00pm
(Foxhall subdivision, Roswell, GA)
Friends Welcome. Spread the Word!
• FUSE: Fashion’s Ultimate Shopping Experience
Atlanta’s only mobile boutique is having their FIRST SALE! Come try on the hottest designer women’s fashions and sterling jewelry at 30-50% off! Denim, dresses, trendy tops, and more!
Consultant: Melissa McDonald
• Heritage Makers: Digital Storybooks
Are your photos being stored in a box or computer?? Now you can capture these important memories in your own digital storybook, calendar, poster or any occasion card!
Consultant: Betty Miller
• Arbonne: Pure, Safe & Beneficial for 28 years
10-50% off Retail Prices for in stock items!
Botanically based, Physician-tested Skincare,
Hair care, Cosmetics, Aromatherapy, Vitamins and More!
Consultant: Risa Bernard
Thank you for
Supporting Local,
Home Businesses
Questions? Call Betty (404) 729.0388
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Studio Webinars
Are you new to Heritage Makers' online Studio system, or are you an experienced storybooker looking for new ideas and techniques? Join us on one of our weekly Heritage Studio webinars. Register for a webinar class by cutting and pasting the link below. You can also watch a previously recorded Studio Basics webinar.
Intro. to Studio webinar classes: Mondays at 5:00 p.m. MDT
Intermediate Studio webinar classes: Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. MDT
Master Class Studio webinars:
Thursday, June 19th at 1:00 p.m. MDT Instructor Melissa Navratil
Thursday, June 26th at 7:00 p.m. MDT Instructor Christina Mika
I love the Master Classes! It's sooo cool to watch the experts!
Click here for registration:
Happy Heritage Making!
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Digi Crop Tonight!
Are you ready to preserve your precious memories,
but need a little help getting started?
Set aside some time once a month, and join us for our next
Heritage Makers DigiCrop!
Simply bring a wi-fi capable laptop & work on your projects together with us. If you have pictures that need to be scanned, bring them along with you and I can scan them in a matter of minutes. It's the perfect way to get your stories preserved and have fun all at the same time :)
Thursday, June 12th from 6-10pm
The Daily Grind - 2595 Sandy Plains Rd - Marietta, GA
Email or call me to let me know that you can attend! Bring a friend and earn an extra punch on your punch card for a FREE 5x5 storybook credit!
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Celebrating Sisters!
Thank you to Mimi Long and Heidi Miracle-McMahill for hosting a very successful Heritage Makers Celebration! We celebrated sisters, moms, friends (and even a couple of Pugs) at Mimi's home in Dalton, GA. These ladies are some of the first people (that I know of) in the Dalton area to learn about HM and they are very excited!!! Mimi and Heidi's Celebration was over $500 so Heidi earned $100 in FREE products and Mimi earned a FREE 5x5 Storybook credit just for hosting! What a great way to get started on their projects!
We had so much fun at Mimi's the other evening! And hosting a Celebration is an awesome way to get together with friends and family (some you may not have seen in a while) plus earn FREE credits toward projects that you want to create :o)
Call me at 404.729.0388 to book a Celebration or a Workshop today. Summer dates are filling up fast!
Posted by Betty Miller at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Market Winner!
This past Saturday I had a booth at the new Union Hill Exchange. Man, was it HOT! There were lots of vendors and lots of folks shopping since it was opening day for the Market. I had a drawing for a FREE 5x5 storybook credit and congratulations to LYNN TAYLOR of Woodstock, GA...her name was drawn as the winner! As it turns out, Lynn and I live in the same neighborhood and we didn't even know it! Lynn is very excited to share HM with her daughter who is home from college and loves to scrapbook.
Posted by Betty Miller at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Poster for Poppy
Hi! I hope everyone is having a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend! I just published a few Father's Day gifts this weekend and cannot wait for the UPS guy to deliver them! I made a Father's Day poster for my dad to hang in his office at work. It is now possible to embed projects in a blog so please take a look below. I think Poppy will be proud :o)
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Welcome to my blog! I'm new to blogging, but I thought this would be a good way for my Heritage Makers clients and consultants to get to know me better :o) And also learn more about the power of storybooking...
How did I find out about Heritage Makers? One day I was sitting at my MOPS meeting (funny name I know, but it's Mothers of Preschoolers) April 2007 and some of the moms were sharing their favorite Oprah's Favorite Things, just minus Oprah. One of the moms shared two storybooks that she had made of her son's first year and second year. When I held her storybooks in my hands I just knew that I had found something that I wanted to do! I had a story to tell and this was a perfect way for me to share it. It's no secret that my hubby and I lost our first son, Brian, in August 2003. He was born 16 weeks too early and only lived for two short weeks. The night after the MOPS meeting I could not sleep! I was so excited about the storybooks and Baby Brian's story was running through my head...I wanted to preserve it ASAP!
Shortly after that MOPS meeting, I received an email from a friend about how to make a Father's Day storybook and I thought "what a great gift for my hubby!"...he would *love* a storybook with pictures of our son Joey (Brian's younger brother). I immediately emailed Kelly Barquin (the only HM consultant in my area at the time) and asked her how to get started. She created a free Basic account for me and I purchased the publishing credit. I uploaded my pictures and added them to a scrapless storybook template...very user friendly. I cannot explain the anticipation of waiting for the UPS man each day and then the magic of opening that package and finding a storybook that my husband treasures to this day! He keeps it on his desk at work and just recently I ordered myself a copy so I can show it off :o)
I began my next project at a Digi Crop that Kelly hosted at Nirvana Cafe in Roswell. That evening I started working on Baby Brian's storybook. This is the beginning of the rest of my story. I had not even considered becoming a consultant. Kelly mentioned it to me one day and I said I would think about it and discuss it with my husband. Brian got very excited about it when I told him and said I should do it! He saw how in love with the storybooks that I was and my passion for preserving photos and stories. He thought I would make a great personal storybook coach!
I became a HM consultant in July 2007 and it has changed my life! I finished and published Baby Brian's storybook which has touched MANY hearts. Writing his story was so healing to me and brought back so many thoughts and emotions that had gotten buried in the 4 years since we lost him. Plus, I knew that his story ends with me and my husband. If I didn't write it down it would be lost and gone forever. And I have met so many people along this journey that I would not have met otherwise.
Baby Brian is my WHY...he is WHY I began my Heritage Makers business. I love what I do and I love helping others do the same. I am preserving my heritage for my son and his children and their children and so on. Thank you for reading!
Happy Heritage Making!
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Heritage Making Beginning
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

O Magazine, Dec 2008, page 94
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Here's the full spread...
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

It's an honor to be listed on the same page as her favorite books...