Now that I have your attention...think about what you would do with $50 CASH...
Personal Publishing Consultants Wanted: When you sign up or refer someone to join my Team in April, I will pay you $50 CASH or hand you a FREE 8x8 storybook credit! Your choice.
Click here to watch a 17 minute video that explains the benefits, rewards,and income potential you can receive by becoming a Heritage Makers Consultant!
For additional information visit my website:
You may also contact me directly.
Betty Miller, Star Consultant
"Through the power of story, our influence can outlive us." - Dr. Sharon Murdoch
Monday, April 27, 2009
$50 CASH In April...
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: $50 cash, Digital Storybooking, Personal Publishing Consultant
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Two Days Left Til March For Babies!
Dear Friends, Family and Followers,
Hope you are having a wonderful week! Only 2 more days til our March of Dimes Walk! Here's an update:
*Thank you so much to those of you that have already donated or registered to walk with us! We appreciate it more than you know! We are half way to our goal!
**There is still time to donate and Northside Hospital is MATCHING donations! Donate online:
***Since NH is matching donations, I will match any order for Heritage Makers til Saturday! Proceeds will go to the March of Dimes. For example, purchase a 10 pack of cards through me and I will match with a 10 pack of cards, buy an 8x8 storybook and I will match with an 8x8 get the idea...
Email or call me 404.729.0388 with questions. Thanks for your support!!!
Betty, Brian and Joey Miller
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, March For Babies, March of Dimes, Northside Hospital
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day!
Save Paper ~ Save Trees
Go Digital with Heritage Makers
Digital Storybooking is a lot like paper scrapbooking; but different. Instead of using paper cutters, glue, hole punches, etc, everything is done on the computer with a special digital storybooking program called Studio. It's a great way to connect photos with stories so family memories are not lost.
AND with Heritage Makers, you can create cards, posters, calenders, and books from your digital photos.
~ Go digital ~ Make changes quickly ~ No Mess ~
FREE basic account ~ Try it free
(you never pay a penny unless you decide to publish)
Call 404.729.0388 or email for more information
Betty Miller, Personal Publishing Consultant
Getting it right the first time can save a lot of headaches and a lot of trees!
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Earth Day, Save Money, Save Trees
Monday, April 20, 2009
Are You Prepared For Mother's Day?
Okay Guys, how prepared are you for Mother's Day? Not at all, I'm guessing.
I am offering my services again this year to make sure that you score major points with your wife.
Let me help you design a custom storybook for her. Include pictures of the kids, of yourself and of course all the reasons she is the best mom in the whole world. (You can also have me do something for your mom as well!)
Easy as 1 - 2- 3
1. Pick out a size
2. Send me digital images on a disc or mail a flash drive
3. I design a book for you and it arrives to you before Mother's Day
7x5 Storybook- $60.00, that includes tax and shipping and 21 pages
- or -
8x8 Storybook- $75.00, that includes tax and shipping and 21 pages
Order your book through me & I'll make your Wife or Mom a personalized Mother's Day card to match her book...FOR FREE!
This is just a sample, I will work with you on a theme, color scheme, etc.
Must get me the disc by Wed., April 22nd to ensure on time delivery
Call or email me with your order!
Betty Miller - Independent Publishing Consultant
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, Mother's Day
We Are Safe!
We had some bad storms pass through our area - Woodstock, GA - last night. The news said there was an unconfirmed tornado that hit a neighborhood about 1 mile from our house. We just had some bad wind. Needless to say, it was very scary! I could hear the sticks and limbs hitting our house as we ran for the basement. The wind cut off several limbs from an Oak tree that landed on our back deck by our kitchen window, at the base of our deck steps and BETWEEN our cars! Wow, is all I can say, and thankful that we are OK.
I'll post pics soon on my Facebook page. Thanks to everyone for their concern, thoughts and prayers! ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cherokee County, GA, Storm, Woodstock
Friday, April 17, 2009
FREE Online Digital Storybooking Class TONIGHT!
Jump in your PJs and fuzzy slippers tonight, sit back and relax while you learn something new! We had so much at our in person Digi Crop last night that we are having an online class tonight! Please click here to register and invite some friends to join in as well. We want to "fill the room"!
Class starts at 8:30pm. "See" you there!
Posted by Betty Miller at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Digi Crop, Heritage Makers
Thursday, April 16, 2009
You're Invited! BIGGEST Digi Crop Ever Tonight!
Come on over for our biggest and most exciting Digi Crop ever! This month we are having drawings for FREE Heritage Makers products each hour, LIVE Studio classes on our overhead projector, and state of the art scanning services! PLUS, the publishing deadline for Mother's Day is FAST approaching, so hurry on over to let us help you give Mom something she'll never forget!
Date: THIS Thursday night, April 16th
Time: 6pm until ?
Location: The Computer Arena
10895 Alpharetta Highway, Roswell, GA
Free Drawings held at 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, and 10pm.
Bring your old photos and a CD or Flash Drive to take them home.
Anyone in attendance will receive 50 FREE photo scans!
Bring a FRIEND and receive 2 FREE Greeting Cards!
Come join me and the gang as we introduce you to your newest hobby...Digital Storybooking!
You must RSVP now to reserve your is very limited for this digi crop!
Email or call me asap for reservations:
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, Digi Crop, Heritage Makers
Friday, April 10, 2009
Birth Announcements - Know Anyone Having A Baby?

Know anyone having a baby? Let me help with birth announcements, Brag Books, Baby's 1st Year, etc...
Contact me for more info ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birth Announcements, Brag Book, First Year Book
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Master Class Tonight at 9pm EST!
STUDIO 2.0 MASTER CLASS Learn time-saving tips and tricks from Studio experts including, new-to-Heritage Makers' digital mastermind Lynda Angelastro, former managing editor of Digital Scrapbooking magazine.
Lynda and our other Master Class instructors will demonstrate creative ideas and template shortcuts to bring the master touch to your storybooks and projects.
Catch Lynda's first Master Class on Thursday April 9, 2009 at 7:00 PM MDT.
Register at
Master classes are held every second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7 PM MDT.
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, Lynda Angelastro, Master Class, Studion 2.0
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
This Just In...Pick Of The Month Sale!
Wow! Great news! Heritage Makers is having a "Recession Sale" that drops the price of our most popular book (8x8) down to $39.95 - SAVE $10 EACH...LIMIT 3! Want to start your book or get copies of one you've already done? Contact me or visit my website @
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady, Sale, storybook
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Flowers are OUT for Mother's Day...
Storybooks and cards are IN! Melt mom's heart with a storybook and card made by YOU with your own photos and stories. She will *love* it and it will last won't...
Here are some Mother's Day packages that will save you some $$. Use a template and have your card done in 5 minutes! Ask me how.
Betty Miller
Personal Storybook Coach
Posted by Betty Miller at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, Mother's Day, mystorybooklady
Saturday, April 4, 2009
April Virtual Workshops (Mondays) & Digital Storybooking Class (Friday April 17th)
Happy Spring Break! There are lots of exciting things happening and plenty of chances this month to learn more about Heritage Makers! Here is our schedule for April:
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Mon, Apr 27, 2009 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM EDT Friday Night April 17th - Virtual Digi Crop! Join us online for a free Digital Storybooking Class! Click Here to Register for our "Girls Night IN Class!" |
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Digi Crop, Digital Storybooking, Virtual Workshop
Friday, April 3, 2009
Delta's 777
My hubby is having quite a "macho man day!" He got a new DVD player AND a rocket scientist's dream come true seeing Delta's 777! Yes, ladies, this thing will suck up your mini van and spit it out!
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: 777, Delta, engineer, rocket scientist
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

O Magazine, Dec 2008, page 94
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Here's the full spread...
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

It's an honor to be listed on the same page as her favorite books...