Email me ( your pictures this fall & I'll drop them into a template for you! Get your orders in before midnight TONIGHT to lock in our Christmas in July LOW RATES! Click here to see our sale prices that end tonight. 

Business and Personal. Custom Storybooks, Greeting Cards, Invitations, Stretched Canvases, Posters, Prints, Gifts, Photo Scanning and more...
Posted by Betty Miller at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas In July, holidays, mystorybooklady, templates
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, Christmas In July, Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady
FREE Online Digital Storybooking Class! Tell A Friend... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, digital scrapbooking, Digital Storybooking, mystorybooklady, online class
1. No mess! Within minutes it’s easy to cover an entire table with papers, embellishments, glue, pens, pictures, and still not have everything you need to complete the perfect page. You can now sit on the couch with your laptop, while your kids watch a movie, and create all you want.
2. Did you take the time to hand write the story of all your scrapbook albums? Probably not! Publish with Heritage Makers Studio 3.0 and there’s no need to go back through the years of scrapbook pages to fill in the story gaps you left because you ran out of time. Journaling is just as fun as the rest of it now!
3. No more trips to the photo store to resize, recolor, or reprint pictures. You can do it all with the click of your mouse. What took 3-5 pages of scrapbooking can now fit into 1 or 2 page layouts!
4. All-inclusive pricing. The cost of Premier account includes all the embellishments, alphabets, paper, etc. that you will ever need. No need to stock up on flowers, ribbon and the like. A lot less waste. And it’s cheaper in the long run!
5. You won’t get bored. It’s easy to get bored quickly with a computer program that doesn’t change, or that is one dimensional that you can’t learn anything new from. You’ll love the tutorials in Heritage Makers and the opportunities to learn new techniques and features. It keeps you hooked and learning new things all the time!
6. You can fill gaps in traditional scrapbooks with digital pictures from Heritage Makers. Drag and drop into a template those events that perhaps didn’t warrant a little extra time to scrap. You can do a page in 8 minutes with this and it looks fab!
7. It warms your heart to make a book for a mother of her grand-daughters. And it brings satisfaction to know that your children will have a sense of history in a storybook that will last a lifetime.
Get started today! Visit to set up your free account.
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: digital scrapbooking, Digital Storybooking, mystorybooklady
What are you doing with your boxes of photos? How about your digital photos sitting on your computer? YOU can get your photos out of the box and into a professionally bound book! Find out how to preserve your family heritage using our state-of-the-art, online publishing system by joining me for an online presentation of Heritage Makers!
Heritage Makers is an amazing company that helps you capture your stories and memories and preserve them in a professional published book! The process is simple: decide what you would like to put in your book, whether it be photos or story or both, and go online. Once online you have access to a powerful publishing system that is very user friendly. The system helps you customize your projects and create them however you choose. Heritage Makers uses our amazing product as a tool for strengthening home and family through the power of story and preserving lasting legacies of family heritage. Heritage Makers offers different types of project creation including books ranging in size from 5”x5” up to 13”x11”, calendars, posters, game cards and our newly released individual scrapbook pages in 3 different sizes. We offer full bleed, which means you can customize our covers, and our products offer more flexibility and creativity.
My Storybook Lady would love for you to join me for an online demonstration on what Heritage Makers is all about and see if it’s something for YOU! Tune in to a live presentation with me by clicking the link below at the appropriate date and time. Online meetings are the best way to share information and are simple to attend. Cozy up in your jammies in front of your computer and watch the presentation. Then watch the magic unfold as we introduce an amazing storybooking company . . . Heritage Makers!
Date: Thursday July 30, 2009
Time: 6pm (Pacific) 7pm (Mountain) 8pm (Central) 9pm (Eastern)
Register for the online portion of this presentation by clicking on this link:
You will receive an email confirmation of your registrations with a personalized link for joining the webinar. Click on this link Thursday night and you will be connected to the online presentation. You will automatically be connected to the audio using your computer’s speakers (VoIP). Or you may select “Use Telephone” after joining the Webinar. If you elect to use the telephone please dial:
Conference Call: 213-286-1201
Access code: 680-797-026
Feel free to forward this to a friend! Hope you can make it!
Betty Miller
Personal Publishing Consultant
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady, Virtual Workshop
Come visit my booth tonight at the Block Party!
*Artists, Photography, Artisans, Vendors, Live Music*
Historic Downtown Canton, GA
East Marietta Street
Held every 4th Friday of the month.
Sponsored by the Historic Downtown Canton Association
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Canton, Fourth Friday Block Party, GA, mystorybooklady
Click here to read the review by PaperCrafter's Corner about the scrapbooking crop at Bascomb UMC last Saturday. Scanning services by My Storybook Lady were a hit!
Here's the link:
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady, PaperCrafter's Corner, scanning
Today is Baby Brian's birthday. He would be 6 years old. I can only imagine what he would be like today, the toys he would play with and the friends he would have (other 6 year olds that live on our street that are living reminders of Brian)
If you have lost a baby, or know someone that has, I am here to say that, at first, the pain in your heart is unbearable. As a survivor of the pain, I can tell you that time does heal. The pain never truly goes away, but you do find a "place" for it within yourself. Hope, peace and healing do just have to make it through the journey to get there. And you will.
Several resources that have helped me find hope and healing:
Atlanta Perinatal Loss
SHARE Atlanta "The love stays...forever in our hearts"
Project: Storybooks For Healing "Binding Hearts Together"
My family's TV interview about Atlanta's Walk To Remember:
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need help. The worst thing anyone can do is go through the grief process alone especially when everyone around you has never experienced the loss of a baby. ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Atlanta Perinatal Loss, mystorybooklady, SHARE Atlanta
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady, Workshop
Dear Customers, Friends, Family, Followers,
Hope this message finds you having a wonderful summer! Today marks my 2 year anniversary as your Heritage Makers Consultant. What a blessing it has been to inspire, instruct and motivate others to publish their stories!
To celebrate, anyone that books a Workshop (either online, in home or in a coffee shop :) for July or August will receive 2 FREE card credits! You can easily make your cards before your Workshop because your friends will want to see what YOU made :) This offer is today-Friday only!
Open dates: 7/21, 7/28, 7/30, 8/11, 8/13...which date works best for you? Call me with your date.
And if you are unsure as to what a Workshop is...Click here to learn more:
Your Personal Storybook Coach,
Betty Miller
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady, Workshop
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas In July, digital scrapbooking, gifts, Greeting Cards, mystorybooklady
The updated Christmas In July flyer includes the breakdown for how much each item costs when you purchase a Buy 3, and Get the 4th FREE package. Lowest prices of the year! Go ahead and lock in on these prices (especially greeting card credits) and I'll help you get your cards made this fall :)
These prices are only available through me, your Consultant. Not available on the website so call or email me to order.
Betty Miller
Your Storybook Coach
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, Christmas In July, Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, Christmas In July, Digi Crop, mystorybooklady
I first saw this short little movie a few weeks ago at my Dream Team experience in Utah. It is very inspiring and motivational! I'm so blessed to be able to help others write their stories. Enjoy! ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady, Your Story Movie
We knew it was coming...we just weren't sure when and it turned out to be this morning! Heritage Makers endorsed for the 2nd time on GMA! How exciting!
Click here to see the video:
Direct Sales: A Proven Moneymaker
Click here to read the ABC News article.
To read more about how you can get involved, visit my website:
Create a FREE account and begin writing your story OR help inspire others to write their stories AND get paid for it! *Refer someone to me that joins my Team and YOU receive $50 cash or an 8x8 storybook credit*
Shared via AddThis
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Direct Sales, Good Morning America, Heritage Makers
Posted by Betty Miller at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Business Showcase, gotomeeting, Heritage Makers, home based business
Happy 4th of July to everyone! Hope you enjoy a safe, fun filled day with your family and friends. Remember to take photos to preserve your summer memories. Speaking of photos, I found a few good articles about Basic Fireworks Photography. Also, Take Better Photos: Fourth of July Edition. Enjoy! As always, I'd love to see any good shots that you take or hear your good summer stories. ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basic Fireworks Photography, Betty Miller, Happy 4th of July, mystorybooklady
Start making a list...and checking it twice! It's time for Christmas In July! HUGE savings on all your favorite HM gifts! Go ahead and buy your greeting card credits now; you know you are going to need them! Make a storybook of your family vacation & order duplicates or everyone's FAVE: calendars! Call me for more ideas and to order ~:) Click here to see the flyer.
Your Storybook Coach,
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas In July, digital scrapbooking, gifts, Heritage Makers, mystorybooklady