Get a FREE calendar credit in September! Invite your friends to learn how to use Studio (we can meet online, in-home or at a restaurant), they order, and you earn free publishing credits. It's that easy! Plus, your friends get a free greeting card credit just for attending! :)
Check it out
Call me 404.729.0388 to book your date today...September is filling up fast!
Betty "My Storybook Lady"
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Look At What's FREE in September!
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, host rewards, mystorybooklady, September
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Great News & We're Celebrating This Week!
Have you heard the news? My Storybook Lady learned that Heritage Makers is #132 on the Inc. 500 list of Fastest Growing Private Companies in America! AND we are #9 in the Consumer Products and Services category. To celebrate, we are pleased to announce an exciting special in conjunction with our inclusion in the 2009 Inc. 500! Celebrate with us as we offer a collection of the products that helped us get there!
This package includes:
8x8 storybook credit
11.5x8.5 storybook credit
Cookbook/Planner credit
(3) 12x12 scrap page credits
(3) Greeting Card credits
(3) Postcard/Invitation credits
(3) Family Fold credits all for only $132! Plus, for new customers, My Storybook Lady will give you a FREE month of Premier membership and 132 FREE scans to help you get started! That's a $60 savings on me :)
The celebration special runs August 22nd - midnight August 28th. Hurry! Call me today 404.729.0388 to order your package.
Betty Miller
"My Storybook Lady"
Posted by Betty Miller at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, Inc 500, mystorybooklady, Sale
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ms. Wheelchair NC Packing for National Pageant - Storybooks Included!
"People always come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you will know exactly what to do." ~ Unknown. When I met Erika Bogan a few short months ago, I knew that we met for a reason. You see, she is a paraplegic and an inspiration to ALL! She has an amazing story to tell and share with the world. What better way to share her story and preserve it than through her very own storybook? Click Here to see Erika's first book that she self-published at
Erika is the reigning Ms. Wheelchair NC 2009 and an inspirational speaker who has dedicated her life to proving that ANYTHING is possible. She will be competing in the Ms. Wheelchair America pageant August 24-29 in South Dakota. She has self-published a second book to display on her state table! Click Here to see a preview. Read more at her website:
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Erika Bogan, Ms. Wheelchair NC, mystorybooklady, Pageant, paraplegic, storybook
Monday, August 17, 2009
Monday Motivation
Our Greatest Wealth
~Author Unknown~
We are born with two eyes in front because we must not always look behind, but see what lies ahead beyond ourselves.
We are born to have two ears, one left, one right so we can hear both sides, collect both the compliments and criticisms, to see which are right.
We are born with a brain concealed in a skull then no matter how poor we are, we are still rich, for no one can steal what our brain contains, packing in more jewels and rings than you can think.
We are born with two eyes, two ears, but one mouth for the mouth is a sharp weapon, it can hurt, flirt, and kill. Remember our motto: talk less, listen and see more.
We are born with only one heart, deep in our ribs it reminds us to appreciate and give love from deep within.
Happy Monday! ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Monday Motivation
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Please Vote for My Storybook Lady
Support My Storybook Lady in the 2009 StartupNation Home-Based Business Competition -
Posted by Betty Miller at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: contest, home based business, mystorybooklady, StartupNation
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Inc's Top 500 Fastest Growing Private Companies
Wow! just found out that Heritage Makers is #132 on Inc's top 500 fastest growing private companies!!! Jump on this ride with me; it's fun and rewarding. If you are intrigued or you...know someone who might be, please let me know! This company is heading towards the top of that list!
And...HM ranked #9 in Consumer Products and Services!
Betty Miller
"My Storybook Lady"
Heritage Makers Consultant
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Makers, Inc 500, mystorybooklady
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday Motivation
The Waste in Worry
by Brad Stevens
If we were to keep a record of all the things we worried about during a given period of time, we would discover--in reviewing them--that the great majority of our anticipated problems or troubles never come to pass. This means that most of the time we devote to worrying, even the constructive kind that prompts us to try to come up with a solution to what is troubling us, is wasted. Thus, we not only caused ourself unnecessary mental anguish, but also took up valuable minutes and hours that could have been spent elsewhere.
To avoid this, it is often necessary to subject potential sources of worry to the coldly objective and analytical light of reason. Once, shortly before a major concert before a standing-room- only audience, a member of Arturo Toscanini's orchestra approached the great Italian conductor with an expression of sheer terror on his face. "Maestro," the musician fretted, "my instrument is not working properly. I cannot reach the note of E-flat. Whatever will I do? We are to begin in a few moments."
Toscanini looked at the man with utter amazement. Then he smiled kindly and placed an are around his shoulders. "My friend," the maestro replied, "Do not worry about it. The note E-flat does not appear anywhere in the music that you will be playing this evening."
The next time we find ourselves in the middle of worrying about some matter, we might be wise to stop and ask ourselves what the odds are of the problem really coming to pass. We may be able to go on to something more constructive.
Posted by Betty Miller at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Monday Motivation
August Pick of the Month
Pick of the Month: It's back! Get the 11.5 x 8.5 at one of the best prices we have ever offered. Great book for family reunions and wedding photography. Available only during the month of August, act quick!
Call or email me to order 404.729.0388
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: August, June Pick of the Month, storybook
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Women and Children's Expo Sunday - North Point Mall
Back to school shopping? Or checking out Belk's liquidation sale at North Point Mall on Sunday? Come visit me at my booth, center court near Macy's, for the Women and Children's Expo. I'll be there Sunday 12-7pm :)
About the Expo: Targeting professional women in the market area, the show will consist of career opportunities, colleges, luxury products and services for women, child enrichment programs, private schools, private preschools, daycares, classes, party planning and healthcare. Register to win GA Aquarium tickets and Scoop-Itz will be providing free tattoos and face painting. Come out for a weekend of wonderful shopping, food and great ideas!!!
For more info:
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Children, Expo, mystorybooklady, North Point Mall, Women
Friday, August 7, 2009
Celebrating 15 Year Wedding Anniversary
Yesterday was our 15 year wedding anniversary! Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday we met and then got engaged on the beach in Florida! Our Mediterranean cruise is on hold for now so our 4 1/2 year old son said he would take us out. We went to Bahama Breeze and had a yummy dinner. It was the closest thing to actually being on the beach ~:)
Made an Anniversary card for my hubby on HM, of course. I used a template so it took less than 5 minutes. Click here to see a preview: I spared you the lovey dovey sentiment that I wrote ~:)
Have a wonderful weekend! If you live near Alpharetta, GA come see me at North Point Mall on Sunday. I have a booth for the Women and Children's Expo, center court near Macy's.
See you then! ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: anniversary, Greeting Cards, North Poin mall, Wedding
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Heritage Home Decor
Branching out into home decor with Mod Podge ~:) This is a 12x12 page I designed for my mom on Studio, printed by HM and Mod Podged to a tile from Home Depot...for less than $10!
Look for more home decor ideas coming soon. These make great gifts! ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Home, Heritage Makers, Mod Podge, mystorybooklady
Business Opportunity Showcase Tonight * Please forward to someone you know who is passionate about photos/stories*
Please join me for a Heritage Makers Business Opportunity Showcase
Thank you for your interest in the business of personal publishing consulting! There is more to this company than the money behind the opportunity and I’d like to invite you to an online webcast that covers detailed information about how you can get involved and start enjoying the many benefits to being an Independent Consultant on my Team.
To join the webcast, simply click the link below to register. Then, at the appropriate time, tune in online and watch the magic unfold as we introduce an amazing storybooking company . . . Heritage Makers!
Webcast date: Tuesday August 4, 2009
Time: 6:30pm (Pacific) 7:30pm (Mountain) 8:30pm (Central) 9:30pm (Eastern)
Register for the online portion of this presentation by clicking on this link:
You will receive an email confirmation of your registration with a personalized link for joining the webinar. Click on this link Tuesday night and you will be connected to the online presentation. You will automatically be connected to the audio using your computer’s speakers (VoIP). Or you may select “Use Telephone” after joining the Webinar. If you elect to use the telephone please dial:
Conference Call: 312-878-0211
Access code: 281-084-608
I know you'll love our system and I can’t wait to help you get started. At any time, you can sign up for a Consultant account from my website at
Betty Miller "My Storybook Lady"
Posted by Betty Miller at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Business Showcase, Heritage Makers, home based business
Join Us for a Digital Workshop Tonight!
Please join us for a Heritage Makers Digital Workshop!
What are you doing with your boxes of photos? How about your digital photos sitting on your computer? YOU can get your photos out of the box and into a professionally bound book! Find out how to preserve your family heritage using our state-of-the-art, online publishing system by joining us for an online presentation of Heritage Makers!
Heritage Makers is an amazing company that helps you capture your stories and memories and preserve them in a professional published book! The process is simple: decide what you would like to put in your book, whether it be photos or story or both, and go online. Once online you have access to a powerful publishing system that is very user friendly. The system helps you customize your projects and create them however you choose. Heritage Makers uses our amazing product as a tool for strengthening home and family through the power of story and preserving lasting legacies of family heritage. Heritage Makers offers different types of project creation including books ranging in size from 5”x5” up to 13”x11”, calendars, posters, game cards and our newly released individual scrapbook pages in 3 different sizes. We offer full bleed, which means you can customize our covers, and our products offer more flexibility and creativity.
We would love for you to join us for an online demonstration on what Heritage Makers is all about and see if it’s something for YOU! Tune in to a live presentation with us by clicking the link below at the appropriate date and time. Online meetings are the best way to share information and are simple to attend. Cozy up in your jammies in front of your computer and watch the presentation. Then watch the magic unfold as we introduce an amazing storybooking company...Heritage Makers!
Date: Tuesday August 4, 2009
Time: 6pm (Pacific) 7pm (Mountain) 8pm (Central) 9pm (Eastern)
Register for the online portion of this presentation by clicking on this link:
You will receive an email confirmation of your registrations with a personalized link for joining the webinar. Click on this link Tuesday night and you will be connected to the online presentation. You will automatically be connected to the audio using your computer’s speakers (VoIP). Or you may select “Use Telephone” after joining the Webinar. If you elect to use the telephone please dial:
Conference Call: 213-286-1201
Access code: 680-797-026
Feel free to forward this to a friend! Hope you can make it!
Betty Miller "My Storybook Lady"
Posted by Betty Miller at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: digital scrapbooking, Digital Storybooking, Heritage Makers
Saturday, August 1, 2009
August Workshop Host Rewards - New and Improved!
Exciting news! We've sweetened the deal in August! Our host gifts are now better than ever. In August, Workshop hosts can choose from any of the following...just for hosting a workshop with 5-8 of your closest friends and family (at home, a coffee shop or even online)
• Free Deck of Cards (August only) | Item Code: 7468
• Free Family Fold 3 Pk. | Item Code: 7469
• Free Greeting Card 3 Pk. | Item Code: 7470
• Free 12 x 12 Page 3 Pk. | Item Code: 7471
• $12 5 x 5 Storybook | Item Code: 2201
• $35 Canvas Poster | Item Code: 3013
Plus, we've got something awesome for the guest too! Guests get a FREE family fold with any purchase during August!*
To download the August Host Rewards flyer, go here or
*Guest gifts will be available August 5th.
August dates are filling up me to reserve yours 404.729.0388
Betty Miller a.k.a. "My Storybook Lady"
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Betty Miller, host rewards, mystorybooklady, Virtual Workshop, Workshop
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

O Magazine, Dec 2008, page 94
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Here's the full spread...
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

It's an honor to be listed on the same page as her favorite books...