A new product, that's what's cooking! Are you looking ahead at Mother's Day Gifts or End of the Year Teacher Gifts? Introducing, the all-new, incredible Heritage Makers cookbook. So many memories are made around the kitchen table...and now, there's a home for all of those delicious recipes and stories.
Our new cookbook is spiral bound with a 3 panel, UV protected cover (in case you're a messy cook like myself). Just think of the possibilities...preserve your families old recipes, give a collection of recipes to a new bride for her bridal shower, or even turn this into a daily planner for yourself!
For FOUR DAYS ONLY (Feb. 23-26/Monday-Thursday), you can get in on a "sneak peek" of the new cookbook. The cookbook won't be available to the general public until March 3, 2009-but you can get yours now-and save BIG!
Buy 4 cookbooks for only $59.95.
That's only $15 per cookbook. (No worries, these are publishing credits...you have time to gather your recipes together!)
Retail price for this product is $24.95.
You save $49.00!
Hurry, this sale will end February 26, 2009.
Get your cookbook today!
Contact me TODAY to be THE FIRST to have one of the
NEW Heritage Makers Cookbooks!
Betty Miller
Your Personal Storybook Coach
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What's Cooking? Our NEW Cookbook!
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: cookbook
Monday, February 16, 2009
Regionals 2009 - Fri 2/20 & Sat 2/21
I'm so excited about our Regional event this weekend! Yours truly has been asked to give a testimonial on Friday. I invite you to come and see what I'm so excited about--please RSVP so I can get you registered. Here's the Agenda for Friday:
Registration Opens at 6:00 p.m.
Evening Session: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Join us for the unveiling of the new Heritage Makers Showcase system. Now, you will have a simple system for holding Heritage Makers Business Opportunity meetings, called Showcases. Be a part of an actual showcase that will be demonstrated by a member of the home office team from 7pm – 8pm. Feel free to bring a guest who might be interested in joining us as a Heritage Maker Consultant or just come to watch the actual presentation. Seeing the Showcase in person is the best way to understand the entire process. After the Showcase from 8:00 – 8:30p.m., we will answer any questions and give you the opportunity to follow up with your guests.
At 8:30 p.m. we will be holding a drawing for a FREE Business Kit for all eligible clients. To top off the evening we will be recognizing those consultants who are in attendance for top activity in sales and sponsoring, Club 500, Presidents Club and more.
Posted by Betty Miller at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you have a wonderful day! Tell someone somewhere that you love them ;o)
~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Heritage Home Package
This month, make creating a heritage home easy. We’ve given you the tools to make the house…now you make it a home. Choose this first-rate package to begin making your home an HM home. Hurry, prices like this will end February 28, 2009.
This is an awesome deal! If you love the 12x12 storybook then this is the package for you. A 12x12 is $79 by itself and this package is $99 which includes some other goodies as well:
* (2) 12x12 Scrap page credits
* (1) 18x24 Poster credit
* (1) 12x12 Storybook credit
* (1) Deck of Cards credit (my favorite!!!)
Contact me to order 404.729.0388 ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Heritage Home
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Fun Things To Do Valentine's Week
1. Bake a heart shaped cake and decorate it together.
2.Make some fun crafts... mobiles, magnets, cards, bookmarks.
3.Make Valentine Cookies together.
4.Play "CUPID SAYS" instead of Simon Says.
5.At dinner one evening have everyone go around and say one thing they like or love about each person at the table.
6.Take your child out on a Valentines date..doesn't need to be expensive. Use your imag.
7. Pick one room in the house to decorate for Valentines Day.. we usually pick the kitchen.
8. Send your child a love note in his/her lunch letting them know that you love them.
9. Buy your child his/her favorite candy and surprise him/her with it..no strings attached.
10.Make a paper chain using pink/white/red listing everyone you love, or things you love.
11. Eat the heart shaped little Debbies one night for dessert.
12.Sit and make a card together one evening and mail it to someone you both love.
13.Have a special Family "DATE NIGHT" do something you would never normally do. This year we are taking our kids to the Circus!!
14.Invite friends over to make Valentine crafts
15. Surprise your child at school this week with a special lunch/little gift.
16.Have a Valentines Morning party:
a.Decorate the kitchen.. streamers, balloons, window clings, flowers etc
b. Cover your kitchen table with white paper. In the middle place fun stickers, markers,
and crayons. The kids will be more than happy waiting for breakfast.
c. Cook a special Valentines morning breakfast.. Heart shaped pancakes, waffles,
french toast, cinnamon toast. Use a cookie cutter to get your cute heart shape. Then
top with whip creme,strawberries, chocolate chips. You can even make pink milk to
d. Have a little gift or two wrapped for each child..again doesn't need to be expensive.
puzzles, a book, chocolate, stuffed animal etc. Just something little that reminds
them they are special and you love them.
17. Spend the day together ( before leaving for your Valentines date with your husband).. having fun..stay in your jammies, watch movies all day, go see a movie,
have a game day etc etc. Just have fun being together.
18. If you don't have a sitter invite friends to come over and throw a Valentines night party. Put the disco ball on and just let the kids have fun.
19. Have a Fondue night for Valentine's Day...always fun and romantic plus a great way to get the kids to eat their fruits and veggies.
20. Have everyone in the family give each other some kind of card or note for Valentine's Day.
21. Have each person in the family pick another person to be their "SECRET VALENTINE". Do nice things for the person all week, write little notes, make their bed, etc. On Valentine's Day reveal who your Secret Valentine was.
These are the ideas off the top of my head. If you have others feel free to tell me and I will add them to the list. I love to share ideas and get ideas...after all we are all in this together.
Have a "LOVELY" Valentines day.
(Thanks to my MOPS friend, Alana, for these awesome ideas!!!) ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Valentine's Day
Friday, February 6, 2009
Heritage Home Contest details...
Entries welcome: February 3, – February 28, 2009
Winners announced: March 15, 2009
Home is where you…hang your heritage. And we want to see it! This year, we want you to show us how you display heritage in your home. Show off your best heritage decorated room in our “Heritage Home” contest.
We’re looking for Heritage Makers projects that decorate your home. Canvas prints on the living room wall, posters in your children’s bedrooms, storybooks as coffee-table books, scrapbook pages you’ve framed…the possibilities are simply endless. Send us pictures of Heritage Makers projects in your home and tell us how you create your own heritage.
Here’s what you do: Take a picture of your Heritage Makers project in any room in your home. Then, write us a short essay (200 words or less) and tell us about heritage in your home. Be sure to include your project, how you use the project, and your name.
Winning entries will be displayed on the Heritage Makers website and used in marketing collateral.
Now that’s what you call livin’ in style!
Selected entries will be displayed on the Heritage Makers website, used in marketing collateral, and recognized in Connections and Stories and More newsletters.
- All photos must be of projects you’ve created and display in your home.
- You may use a template from the Template Gallery.
- All entries must include a photo and an essay (200 words or less).
- Submit photo and essay to: photos@heritagemakers.com. Please include “Heritage Home” in the subject line.
- All entries must be submitted by February 28, 2009 at 12:00 midnight.

Need a little inspiration? Check out some of the other home photos we’ve collected.

As always, I would love to see how you display heritage in your home! Send me a picture and/or a message anytime. ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Celebrating Women Magazine
Hot off the presses! Celebrating Women Magazine is a quarterly magazine that features "Real Faces, Real Businesses, Real Stories." Each issue highlights a different direct sales company and those who are succeeding in building their home businesses. I'm so excited that my company, Heritage Makers, is featured in the Spring 2009 issue!
Betty Miller
Star Consultant
Heritage Makers
Posted by Betty Miller at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Quote of the Day
Find what you love to do. Find your passion. Know what makes you want to get up in the morning, that's all you need.
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
WHY I Do What I Do...
I have 11 words that I tell my clients...What I do. Why I do it. How I do it. That's my business in a nut shell. Some of you may think I'm nuts, being so passionate about my Heritage Makers business, and you may be a bit right. Who can say they absolutely LOVE their job? Not many....So...
WHAT I DO...I help people preserve their photos through storybooking. I help people solve their picture problem. I help people strengthen their home and family through story. That is What I Do.
WHY I DO IT...I am a Heritage Maker because our generation is the last generation who has real paper photos (pre-2000 and hand-me-downs from relatives). I will not hand down a memory stick, a hard drive, or a disc to my son. Everyone deserves to read the story behind the photos they take. They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Who's writing your 1,000 words?
HOW I DO IT...I do it with our online publishing studio (MAC and PC friendly). I do it with over 35,000 pieces of digital artwork at my disposal. I do it with text boxes that have no word limit. I do it when my son is sleeping or when my husband is giving him a bath. I make time. I do it by learning through other amazing consultants and my team.
I invite you to join me as a workshop host or consultant. But most importantly, as a client. Your picture problem will only get worse. You will never have a less busier time in your life than right now. This company has changed my life and it is my goal as a Heritage Maker Future Diamond Executive to change the lives of others.
Betty Miller ~ Heritage Makers Star Consultant
Posted by Betty Miller at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My Announcement - I'm Now Star!
I am so excited to announce that I woke up this morning as a Star Consultant for Heritage Makers! And I owe a HUGE THANK YOU to my clients and consultants for making this dream possible. I could not do it without you! In appreciation of your continued support, I'm offering $10 off one of our February packages:
Heritage Home (Expires February 28, 2009) – This month, make creating a heritage home easy. We’ve given you the tools to make the house…now you make it a home. Choose this first-rate package to begin making your home an HM home. Hurry, prices like this will end February 28, 2009.
Valentine’s Day Flyer (Expires February 14, 2009) – Love stories come in all shapes and forms…the love of a spouse, the love for a child, even the love of friends. Use our incredible package to write all the love stories in your life this Valentine’s Day.
As always please let me know how I can help ~ Betty
Posted by Betty Miller at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

O Magazine, Dec 2008, page 94
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

Here's the full spread...
Heritage Makers is one of OPRAH'S ALL-TIME Favorite Things!

It's an honor to be listed on the same page as her favorite books...