1. Bake a heart shaped cake and decorate it together.
2.Make some fun crafts... mobiles, magnets, cards, bookmarks.
3.Make Valentine Cookies together.
4.Play "CUPID SAYS" instead of Simon Says.
5.At dinner one evening have everyone go around and say one thing they like or love about each person at the table.
6.Take your child out on a Valentines date..doesn't need to be expensive. Use your imag.
7. Pick one room in the house to decorate for Valentines Day.. we usually pick the kitchen.
8. Send your child a love note in his/her lunch letting them know that you love them.
9. Buy your child his/her favorite candy and surprise him/her with it..no strings attached.
10.Make a paper chain using pink/white/red listing everyone you love, or things you love.
11. Eat the heart shaped little Debbies one night for dessert.
12.Sit and make a card together one evening and mail it to someone you both love.
13.Have a special Family "DATE NIGHT" do something you would never normally do. This year we are taking our kids to the Circus!!
14.Invite friends over to make Valentine crafts
15. Surprise your child at school this week with a special lunch/little gift.
16.Have a Valentines Morning party:
a.Decorate the kitchen.. streamers, balloons, window clings, flowers etc
b. Cover your kitchen table with white paper. In the middle place fun stickers, markers,
and crayons. The kids will be more than happy waiting for breakfast.
c. Cook a special Valentines morning breakfast.. Heart shaped pancakes, waffles,
french toast, cinnamon toast. Use a cookie cutter to get your cute heart shape. Then
top with whip creme,strawberries, chocolate chips. You can even make pink milk to
d. Have a little gift or two wrapped for each child..again doesn't need to be expensive.
puzzles, a book, chocolate, stuffed animal etc. Just something little that reminds
them they are special and you love them.
17. Spend the day together ( before leaving for your Valentines date with your husband).. having fun..stay in your jammies, watch movies all day, go see a movie,
have a game day etc etc. Just have fun being together.
18. If you don't have a sitter invite friends to come over and throw a Valentines night party. Put the disco ball on and just let the kids have fun.
19. Have a Fondue night for Valentine's Day...always fun and romantic plus a great way to get the kids to eat their fruits and veggies.
20. Have everyone in the family give each other some kind of card or note for Valentine's Day.
21. Have each person in the family pick another person to be their "SECRET VALENTINE". Do nice things for the person all week, write little notes, make their bed, etc. On Valentine's Day reveal who your Secret Valentine was.
These are the ideas off the top of my head. If you have others feel free to tell me and I will add them to the list. I love to share ideas and get ideas...after all we are all in this together.
Have a "LOVELY" Valentines day.
(Thanks to my MOPS friend, Alana, for these awesome ideas!!!) ~ Betty
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Fun Things To Do Valentine's Week
Posted by Betty Miller at 10:49 AM
Labels: Valentine's Day
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